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Now only updated Income tax return can be filed for the assessment Year 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25 and the Last date for AY 2022-23 is 31st March 2025.”. Our Office has shifted to new Address of M/s. Manohar and Co., No.1, 3rd Sector, 80 Ft Main Road, Morais City, Airport, Trichy – 620007.


About Manohar & Co

Cost and Management Accountant

M/s.Manohar & Co., is a Proprietary Firm and the founder of the concern is Harinarayanan Sadasivam Manoharan (H.S.Manoharan). He is the pioneer of the Cost Accountant Profession (Cost and Management Accountant) in India. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (FCMA). The prime office is situated in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamilnadu, India. who have taken experience from top consulting firms andare extensively experienced in their chosen fields has providing a wide array of Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Assurance and Business advisory services to various clients and their stakeholders.

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15 Years of

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our services

Company Formation

Picking the right company structure for your business is as important as any other business-related activity.

Cost Accounts&Auditing

Cost Audit provides reliable information for management decisions related to cost reduction and optimization

Stratup Registration

Stratup India Scheme facilitate bank loans between 10 lakh and 1 crore to registration.

MSME Registration

MSME stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. In a developing country like India, MSME industries are the backbone of the economy.

IncomeTax Formalities

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proi dent, sunt in culpa total payments, Output GST.

GST Filing & Appeal

GST return filing is based on information such as total sales, total payments, Output GST and Input GST.

Trade Registeration

Trade Registeration Service such as ISO Certification, Trandemark, CopyRights, Patent Rights, Import & exports Reg .

TDS & TCS Filing

TDS deduction is applicable on payments. TCS deduction is applicable on sales of goods.

Finishing Projects

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Years Experience

manocar & Co

Manohar & Co

  # 1, 80 Feet Main Road, 3rd Sector, Opp. Morais Mall, Morais City, Airport, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620007
  9500388575 | 9943919575
| 0431-4011975 | 2412175
 9.30a.m - 9.30p.m (Mon - Sat) Working

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